Cover Works
Cover for the book "The secret common wealth" - Philipp Pullman - Suma - Companhia das letras
Cover for the prequel of Game of thrones "Fire and Blood" - George R.R Martin - Suma - Companhia das letras
"Life on mars" - Brazilian magazine Superinteressante
Cover for the book "O livro das sombras" - Philipp Pullman - Suma - Companhia das letras
"Bible" - cover Superinteressante - Grupo Abril
"The horns of Jericho" - Superinterressante
"Medieval legends" - cover Superinteressante - Grupo Abril
"Jonathan Strange and Mr.Norell" cover for the publisher Companhia das letras.
"A vez de morrer" - cover - Companhia Das Letras - Editora Schwarcz
Matte Painting
"Réflexion" - Matte painting - Yoshimichi Tamura and Fabrice Senia - Planktoon
"Jack et la mécanique du coeur" - Matte painting - Walking The Dog
"Jack et la mécanique du coeur" - Matte painting - Walking The Dog
"Richard the stork" - Matte painting - Walking the dog
Personnal Project
Platypus - Personnal Project
The ending story - Personnal Project
Fofinho - Personnal Project
The journey of Francisco - Personnal Project
Tea-Time personnal project
Fishing in the sky - Personnal Project
Fenrir the encounter - Personnal Project
Deer cave - Personnal Project
Goblin - Personnal Project
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